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Available tours include the following: Ypres Salient, Somme, Loos, Fromelles, Vimy Ridge, Verdun, D-Day, Oradour-sur-Glane and Arnhem.

Each tour will be organised around your individual interests and expertise, physical capabilities and, of course, your budget. You will be driven and guided throughout and every effort will be made to remain flexible and to accommodate your needs and wishes.

Choose the duration of your tour to suit your interest and availability.


Where one of the bloodiest battles of the Great war was fought and where the Germans set out to 'bleed France white'.

St. Mere Eglise

A town in Normandy which was attacked by American paratroopers on D-Day, June 6th, 1944.


Located near Limoges, this was the scene of a Nazi massacre in 1944 and featured on the opening clip of the 'World at War'.

Don't want to spend hours travelling on a coach? Not comfortable in large touring groups? Why not opt for a bespoke tour with your friends or family?

The Menin Gate, Ypres 

The Ypres Salient saw four battles, with that of Passchendale in 1917 producing the most iconic scenes of mud and noble sacrifice.

The Somme

Beamont Hamel Memorial Park where, on 1st July 1916, Kitchener's' New Army' of Pals Battalions suffered enormous casualties.

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